Jostle Notifications

avtor: Jostle corporation

Stay up-to-date by getting Jostle intranet notifications in Microsoft Teams.

Jostle is an intranet for leaders who truly care about their people, and want them to feel a sense of belonging. I’s a basic human need after all.

Jostle is like your office, but online. It's a lunchroom for remote workers. It's your virtual events space, bulletin board, boardroom, and central filing cabinet, too. It’s where leaders align their workforce, where people engage, learn, and understand, and where everyone participates and grows together. It’s more than just an intranet.

Our Microsoft Teams integration:\n\nIf your people operate their day-to-day in Microsoft Teams, you can notify them of important company announcements and events from Jostle.
  • Get notified in Microsoft Teams and never miss an update
  • Be notified when important news is published
  • Receive your intranet messages in Microsoft Teams
  • Stay in the loop with upcoming events
  • Never miss a task in your intranet

Jostle is on a mission to help leaders build connect organizations so that everyone at work can unite and grow together. To learn more about Jostle, visit [](

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